1. I hate goodbyes....I would rather just sneak out....or holler see ya later as I'm walking away:)
2. Colorado summer is beautiful, I'm gonna miss it
3. I am officially homeless as of tomorrow, staying with a stranger for a bit in LA until I can find a place.
4. I have too much stuff and my car is too small.
5. Who thought it would be fun to move every few months? I mean come on packing? Goodbyes? Cancel the cable, transfer insurance, cleaning, driving (A LOT)...
6. How cool that I get to start over every few months?! New goals, new friends, new adventures, lots to learn:)
7. Excited for the beach, sand volleyball, Disneyland, California sunshine, surfing!!!! If anyone is anywhere near LA this summer you better hit me up:)
8. My sleep schedule is SOOOO messed up. Love working nights....not a fan of what it does for my schedule, or my social life for that reason.
9. I hope there are cute boys in my new ward who don't have commitment issues, are dating machines, and goal is to marry me but not stay in So Cal (does that exist? might just be a fairtale)
10. This next week and a half is going to be AWESOME!!! Salt Lake to visit friends, hiking, swimming, Zupas, Studio 600 COUNTRY SWING!!!, AZ, 4th of July, FAMILY, new job and returning to my California roots (kind of). I remember when I was a little girl asking my mom "Mom is a California girl blonde hair and blue eyes(mine have since changed to green)?" She thought about it and said yeah I guess that is the stereotype. I remember pumping my fists and saying "YES!!!!"
Just thought I would share....My California bucket list is yet to come.....Could still use some ideas. Thanks:) I would love to do a coastal drive up to Oregon. Whos down???
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