Friday, December 26, 2014

My Pregnancy So Far

I just wanted to document some highlights of my pregnancy so far!! We found out that I was pregnant on August 12th.  We had just returned from a fun week in Utah for my brother in laws wedding.  I couldn't wait to get home and take a pregnancy test.  I had to refrain from testing while at my in-laws.  We ended up getting home at 2 in the morning. Our shuttle never arrived to pick us up from the airport.  An expensive cab ride later we made it to our car and home.  John was under the impression that a certain visitor had come and that I was not pregnant.  I took the test and was super excited to see it come back positive.  I had imagined that this moment would happen on a day that John was at work and I would have the day to plan how I was going to tell him.  Well it was 2 in the morning and he had to leave for work in the morning.  I was just going to come out and tell him.  I emerged from the bathroom only to find that he had decided to hop in the shower.  So I had a few minutes to scramble something together.  I gathered some baby items we had collected over the last 2 years and placed them on his pillow.  When he came in the bedroom I revealed them saying "Ready or not we are going to have a baby!!!"  He was so excited and surprised.  He didn't think that was our month since I hadn't said anything.

In September we made a trip to Baltimore to visit Jessica and Ty.  Amber and Kempton were able to join us!! At 7 weeks we announced to them by putting my cute nephews in onsies that said they were getting a new cousin. It was so fun to be able to tell people in person that we were expecting.  All other families and friends were told via Skype or phone.  Thanks goodness for technology.

The first trimester was filled with nausea.  The nausea would typically go away with eating.  So there was lots of snacking throughout the first trimester.  I had to take a huge bag of food to work and continuously snack.  All in all I feel blessed and know that the first trimester could have been much worse.  At 11 weeks baby gave mom her first of probably many heart attacks.  We rushed in for an ultrasound only to see a wiggly healthy baby. That was John's first time seeing the baby and a really cool experience.  That tripped earned us ultrasounds every couple weeks to monitor the baby. 
Since we were having more frequent ultrasounds we were able to find out the gender at 16 weeks.  John came with me to the ultrasound.  The baby was not being super cooperative.  It was staying in one spot and hard to see the gender.  After the tech had me move side to side, cough and empty my bladder we finally got a look at the gender.  The tech said with certainty that she did not see any plumbing and we were having a girl.  We were super excited.  Over the next few weeks I started envisioning a purple and aqua nursery, and lots of pretty pink things for out Little Miss G.
At 20 weeks I went in for another ultrasound.  As we were getting started the tech asked if I already knew what we were having.  I said that we were having a girl.  Right then she started the ultrasound and this was the first image that we saw.....
The tech quickly took the wand off my belly and asked if she was the one that told me it was a girl.  I said yes you did.  She went to look at the chart and confirm what she had said.  I laughed and said "That sure doesn't look like a girl does it?"  She was so embarrassed and said that she is never wrong.  My OB was shocked as well.  She said the tech was never wrong.  So its a good thing I didn't go crazy shopping for a girl!! John could not be more excited for a little boy to play with! Now at 23 weeks I cannot believe that we are more then half way through the pregnancy.  The first trimester went by so slowly.  It was so hard waiting to announce our happy news to everyone.  Now the weeks are flying by and I am painfully aware of all the things that need to be done before the arrival of Baby G.  Its time to turn our spare junk room into a nursery.  I have enjoyed watching my belly grow.  Around 19 weeks I started feeling flutters and now love feeling baby kicks.  I still think watching movement from the outside is a little alien like;)  I love the reassurance the little kicks give that he is doing alright.  Here is a picture of me at 22 weeks.  I love our Christmas tree this year.  I might just leave it up until February:)
For Christmas my sister gave me this awesome pregnancy pillow.  At first I think John felt a little threatened by it.  Now I may need to hide it on the nights that I am at work;)
So excited to be expanding our family!!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Recent Happenings

       Just taking a break from my super fun chemistry homework and wanting to do some blogging.  I have 6 months of school left until I will have my Bachelors.  That is if I don't let procrastination get the best of me.  For anyone thinking about going into nursing its time to go straight through to get your Bachelors.  It used to not really matter but my latest job search proved that its becoming a requirement.  Speaking of nursing I started a new job in January! I have been working in pediatrics for the last 5 years.  Wait that can't be right.... There is no way it has been that long.... I'm still 23 right? I don't really want to talk about what birthday is coming up.  Anyways, I have loved working in pediatrics.  I have always either been a traveler or in the float pool.  The variety has been fun and kept me on my toes.  I decided I didn't want to float anymore.  I was ready for a home unit.  Problem was, I could not pick a specialty.  I tried to narrow it down and choose a place I thought I would enjoy.  I couldn't do it.  I got to thinking about NICU.  I always enjoyed floating to the NICU.  I couldn't see myself doing that full time though.  While I was in nursing school I had my mind set on being a labor and delivery nurse.  However, after clinicals it didn't feel like the right place for me.  I have always had a love for babies and an interest for the whole birthing experience.  I could watch A Birth Story all day long.  I started applying for mom/baby, nursery, and postpartum (taking care of mom after birth) positions.  I accepted a position at Texas Health Dallas on the postpartum unit.  I was kind of nervous about switching to adults.  It has been such a good situation.  I love the staff and the patient population.  It is so refreshing to take care of hospitalized patients that for the most part planned to be there, and are happy to be there.  It's fun helping these new moms feel better and assist them into adjusting to their new life with a newborn.  The unit will be switching to mom/baby in the next year which will mean both the mom and the baby will be my patients.  So basically it has been an awesome and exciting change. 
     Next week it will have been two years since this handsome man proposed !!!

I am one lucky girl.  We love living our adventure together.  It is starting to warm up here so we are taking advantage and spending our evenings playing tennis or riding our bikes. We are excited for summer! Time to do some more exploring!!
      A couple weeks ago we went to AZ for a wedding.  Jessica and Ty were able to come from Maryland.  It was the first time our whole family has been together since their wedding Dec 2012!! We had such a blast.  I got to spend lots of time playing with and cuddling my adorable nephew Kempton.  We ate good food and enjoyed the AZ sun!  I love seeing our family expand!

So grateful for this amazing forever family!