Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Drum roll please.....

So I know everyone was dying to know after my last post where I am going on my next assignment....It was a hard decision and now has turned out even more perfect than I could have imagined. So Thursday night I was at institute. I was looking around at all my new friends. Afterwards we played volleyball which happens to be one of my favorite times of the week. I started thinking about the last 2 months and how content I have been! I have been enjoying work, my apartment, my ward, my friends. I love my institute teacher. I love the lessons, talks and testimonies at church. I just feel like I am in a really good place in my life. So why mess with a good thing. Sure I could run off to San Diego and chill on the beach everyday but what if I don't find friends as quickly. What if they don't play volleyball twice a week, and ultimate frisbee, all that fun stuff. I have heard such good things about summers in Colorado. So I started talking to people. One girl loves to go hiking and they have a group that goes every week. Another girls parents have a boat and she said we would most definately get some boating time in if I stayed. So suddenly I wasn't ready to leave this place quite yet. 3 months seemed like a long time to extend, and would pretty much take me to the end of summer. So I talked to my manager and we decided on 8 weeks. She called yesterday and they are only gonna need me for 4 more weeks. Works for me. So I am staying in Denver until end of June. I am excited to not have to worry about moving just yet. So heres to 8 more weeks in Denver:)

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